Happy Un-official Summer!!!

As we gradually come out of our homes and take off our masks (I know it can be scary), we will all start making summer plans. Share My Meals has a HUGE FAVOR TO ASKplease try to include volunteering with Share My Meals as part of your summer plans.

We continue to have so many recipients in need and your support is essential to achieving our mission. There are also several family opportunities available each week. Additionally, as the summer progresses there will be opportunities to head out to the farm as part of our Gleaning Program (if interested in Gleaning, let Canan know canan@sharemymeals-b06596.ingress-earth.ewp.live). Our families love the fresh produce!

We Have So Much Going On…

Wishing you an amazing and safe summer. Please include Share My Meals in your summer plans: (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0d45aaaa22a6ff2-pickup)!

Thank you for everything you do for our community.

Share My Meals Board