Volunteer Newsletter

August 2022

Hello Share My Meals Volunteers!

Thank you for all of your amazing work helping to deliver healthy meals to our neighbors in need.  Without you, our mission of fighting both food insecurity and food waste would not be possible.

Updates and Efforts

  • Since July 1 we delivered over 4,000 meals to our families in need and local community partner.
  • Share My Meals’ Summer Gleaning Program, A Sizzling Success It’s been a hot, dry summer but that hasn’t stopped our volunteers from recovering amazing produce from Cherry Grove Organic Farm and Great Meadow Farm. To date we’ve recovered over 200 large bags of produce, which has been a welcome complement to our prepared meal delivery.  Thanks to all who have helped!
  • Optimizing Our Use of Onfleet: As many of you know we have been using a navigation app called Onfleet to help us optimize our delivery routes and keep track of donations to our families.  We are continuing to improve how we can best use this tool and plan to introduce a few small changes to help us improve the volunteer experience and better track food donations and deliveries in the future.  Stay tuned for more info in September!
  • SMM Insulated bags: We are running out of insulated bags, if you have any and you do not plan to volunteer for a while, please return them at Dorothea’s House. You can leave them in the plastic bins outside the doorway if no staff present. Otherwise, you can contact us and we will collect them from your home or your place of work.
  • High School Students: We believe that it is very important for our community and the enviroment that we involve our young people in the Share My Meals movement.  Our families and our planet depend on it! We welcomed a group of high school students this summer who have been helping us on the farm and with recruiting new volunteers. We are so grateful!
Share My Meals Met With House Representatives to Encourage Food Donation by Extending Liability Protection for Food Donors
  • Share My Meals is part of a coalition of organizations promoting an amendment to a legislation that would give food donors clarity on food donation liability protection and grant them more flexibility to donate food that otherwise would go wasted.
  • On July 12, Share My Meals’s President and Co-founder Isabelle Lambotte, Program Director Victoire Cleren and Board Member Stan Bertellotparticipated in an event in support of the Food Donation Improvement Act in Washington DC, at the Capitol building. They met with members of the legislative team of Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill and Congressman Donald Norcross from New Jersey.
  • On top of increasing the visibility of Share My Meals, this event was a great opportunity to meet with other supporting organizations such as Food Tank, GoodR, Too Good to Go, Food Connection US, Rescuing Leftover Cuisine, Food Recovery Network.

The Share My Meals team is growing as we expand! 

We are pleased to announce that Monica Palacios is our new Operations Coordinator. Monica joined Share My Meals a few weeks ago; she is already up to speed and is managing families and volunteers. If you have any questions regarding the volunteers’ slots or feedback Monica is more than happy to assist.

You can reach her at  monica@sharemymeals.org

Food Donors and Partners 

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller, American Author. 
Working together with partners is essential to do more to support our communities and address the impact of food waste. We continue to work to identify additional food donors who want to support us in this effort. This has enabled us to expand the number of people we deliver to in Montgomery, Princeton and Lawrenceville and has also allowed us to add partners who support the food insecure.We are proud to say that we have been able to share recovered meals with new Partners including Anchor House, Agape and Princeton Nursery School.
Shout out to New Volunteers!

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new volunteers! We are so happy that you have joined our team and your work is greatly appreciated.

Welcome to Riddhima, Saanvi, Stuti, Marci, Scott, Barbara (visiting from Germany!), Ruth, Diane, Amy, Ben, Gabriella, Ryan, Vigneshwar, Amanda, Tisha and Gay!    

Please know that we will be there to support you, not only during your time of volunteering, but always with any questions, comments or suggestions that you may have. We have staff at the Dorothea House (basement or second floor) on Mondays and Thursdays from 1:30 – 2:30  PM and on Fridays at 3:30PM.

The schedule for September is now available. Please consider signing up if you are able to help over the next few weeks.

Sign Up Genius SMM

Other Skills?

If you are already a volunteer with us, thank you so much for all of your hard work. If you have additional skills that you would like to offer, we are currently in search of volunteers to help with:

  • Fundraising:
    • Research and writing: Assistance with research for new grant or other funding sources, writing letters and other materials (must have a computer and know how to use Word and Excel);
    • Events: Assistance with event coordination, community events participation.
  • Communication and marketing: article writing, relationship with the press, create content for social media channels, website writing, photoshoot, video recording
  • Promoting SMM volunteer opportunities to friends and family. More delivery volunteers are always needed.
  • Database Management

Please reach out to Stella Rho at volunteer@sharemymeals.org or Macarena at macarena@sharemymeals.org  if you’d like to share any additional skills that you may have to help Share My Meals.

If you know anyone that might be interested in volunteering, please have them fill out the volunteer form on our website.