2020 was a difficult year on so many fronts. Yet in its first year, Share My Meals quickly pivoted its work, elevating its support for the food insecure in Princeton. Share My Meals with the support of its amazing team of volunteers was able to:

The impact of the all-volunteer team in 2020 can not be overstated. Each volunteer made a difference in addressing the food insecurity of our neighbors. 

With your support we have already gotten off to a strong start in 2021! We had an amazing January delivering 4,635 meals. Additionally, we began supporting the Princeton Cornerstone Community Kitchen with 50 meals each Wednesday for a seniors’ community. Beginning last week, we also began supporting the Princeton Learning Center with 50 meals weekly for the children under the free and reduced meals program.

As we work to meet the expanding needs of our community, we continue to need volunteers. If you are already volunteering with us, we thank you for your valuable support. If you are considering volunteering, please go to sharemymeals.org/volunteering-with-us.

We are currently looking to:

Please reach out to us at karen@sharemymeals-b06596.ingress-earth.ewp.live if interested in starting volunteering or in expanding the support you already provide.


The feedback from the recipients of the healthy meals we provide has been gracious and wonderful. A few examples include:

“… you ensure we have food on our table for our children is a blessing. Thank you very much and blessings”

“Thank you very much for bringing the food. Have a safe and blessing day!”

“Thank you very much. Just because they take us into account to have a dish of food for my children at our table is a blessing…a thousand thanks and blessings”

“Thank you very much to all the volunteers. Bless them.”

Our mission remains to alleviate hunger and food waste. We greatly appreciate the support of our partners, donors, and volunteers as we work to achieve our mission.

Thank you.

SMM Board of Trustees