Vanessa Solivan works three jobs, yet she was homeless until the Housing Initiatives of Princeton (HIP) helped her relocate to her current condo.
In a recent video interview with Share My Meals, Vanessa, a client of the Princeton nonprofit, shares her struggles.
“I was born and raised in Trenton, New Jersey. I’m a single mother of three children. I fell on hard times; I was homeless with three children. And just because I was working, I felt like people were turning their backs on me, basically telling me: You work? Then fend for yourself.
You can’t experience poverty from behind a computer desk or from your fancy home. You have to go out there in the pool and be a part of it and see.
I’m a working mom. So I don’t have time to go to the food pantries in different places like I used to.
So when I get home after a long, hard day at work, I appreciate seeing that Share My Meals has delivered some food! I’m so grateful that I’ve got to come home tired from work and don’t have to cook because they did provide a nice, hot, warm, nutritious meal. So I’m very grateful for that. And I appreciate that so much.
Thank you!”