Caroline de Schrevel Presents Share my Meals during Princeton Restaurant Week

Caroline De Schrevel Presents Share my Meals during Princeton Restaurant Week kick-off event on March 5th at The Meeting House on 277 Witherspoon Street.She was introduced by Princeton Councilwoman Michelle Pirone Lambros who among her many council assignments is the Merchants Association Liaison.
Watch Share my Meals in action!

Everyday Tiger Inn eating club at Princeton University calls us to pick-up trays of prepared meals. We go pick them up and deliver healthy meals to the community. We need help, want to get involved?
Share my Meals at Discover Central New Jersey Agritourism Conference

Here is the speech that was given on Feb 24 to present Share my Meals to the audience of the Discover Central New Jersey Agritourism Conference in Princeton. Hello, I am Stan Berteloot, one of the 7 board members of a new non-profit called Share my Meals. I want to thank Michelle Lambros and Brad […]
Understand the Underprivileged Community in Princeton with Liliana’s Story

Liliana Morenilla is a board member of Share my meals and its Outreach Coordinator. In a recent podcast interview with Back in America, she explains who’s the community that Share my meals serves in Princeton. Liliana works for Princeton public schools and for the Princeton township human services department and is a pillar of the […]
Share my Meals’ is live!
Friday, January 23, was a historic day for the non-profit Share my Meals as its team recovered cooked meals and cases of vegetables and fruits from Princeton University Tiger Inn eating club. Julia Doemland and Bob Belsky from Tiger Inn worked with the Share my meals’ team to facilitate the donation, making sure that the […]